Recipe Book
- Where all meal recipes are located. Every recipe has a robust template to add the recipe’s Method, Ingredients with Measurements, Kitchen Inventory, Shopping List, Meals scheduled with the recipe in Meal Planner.
Shopping List
- Where all food items that have a true Buy checkbox property are located and managed. Move this page to your favorites for easy access. You can add items to shopping list from Recipes in addition to the food indexes.
The Pantry
- Where all food items in and Snack Pantry are stored that do not need to be refrigerated. You can add new items here as well.

Meal Planner
- A calendar to plan all meals from Recipes and food diary to add items directly from the food indexes. Calories are calculated from food/recipe serving size and nutritional stats.
Quick Book
- This is an alternative and minimal navigator for recipes in Recipes. All ingredient instructions are stored here. Create a new group toggle, or recipe, and quickly add ingredient instructions inside.

- Where all food items in and Snack Pantry are stored that need to be refrigerated. You can add new items here as well.
Snack Index
- All snacks, drinks, and food items that do not fit in the index. This index is to remove clutter from food items that can be utilized in Recipes. You can add snacks separately to the Meal Planner as well.
Ingredient Index
- This is where all food items go, their inventory status from Full to Empty, and food type like Vegetable. You can add ingredients individually to the Meal Planner as well. Tip: archive ingredient items that are empty and not on your next shopping list.