About Me & The Course

I am a Notion Ambassador who loves to work with formulas and advanced systems. I’ve worked in the program since 2018.

Since, I've launched a successful Notion resource website and started a YouTube channel where new and old Notion users can find tips and tricks for their workspaces.

In this course, I am going to give you a crash course in Notion's formula language and how it can communicate with other database properties. This is for people at a beginner and/or novice level.

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The Notion formula is designed to help users problem solve and create steps in a workflow that other features cannot do alone. It is an advanced property that requires some prior knowledge of database or spreadsheet formulas. Once you understand the core logic behind formulas, this property will no longer be so daunting.

Learning by doing is an important aspect of this course. This is why empty databases to follow along are available in all lessons.

$$ \LARGE\textbf{\textsf{Course Prerequisites}} $$

<aside> ⚠️ You should have at least a basic understanding of Notion databases and properties in the property menu like number, text, url, date, etc. Also, some experience using Notion database filters, sorting methods, and general options in the database menu.


$$ \LARGE\textbf{\textsf{Why Master Notion Formulas?}} $$

If you're using Notion for your team and need to create complex formulaic systems efficiently. You can use formulas to schedule deadlines, organize group discussions and delegate work to team members.

If you want to create Notion templates for clients or share/sell them to your audience, knowing formula logic is an essential skill to wow your potential clients with impressive systems that'll make their life easier and yours too!

If you want to create a highly personalized habit tracker for the New Year, a goal progress dashboard, or budget planner. Filters and templates can only get you so far. Learning formulas will take your Notion databases to the next level.

$$ \LARGE\textbf{\textsf{Course Goals}} $$

$\large\textsf{Where the course succeeds}$
Uses useful database examples and verbal/written breakdowns that guide the user through lessons.
Utilizes simple page designs and short lessons to pace the user through the course.
Describes practical use-cases for formulas that can be applied immediately.
$\large\textsf{Where the student succeeds}$
Understand formula logic.
Understand Notion's formula function list.
Understand how to resolve formula errors.
Understand how different properties interact with one another in the formula property.
Understand order of operations to string together large formulas.


$$ \LARGE\textbf{\textsf{Course Outline}} $$


Getting Started