<aside> 🗣 What is cost-benefit analysis? A process used to measure the benefits of a decision in comparrison to its cost. Essentially, benefit should always outweigh cost.



Formula (Each Month's Value)


if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Essential Tool"), 2, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Increased Revenue"), 1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Encouraged Innovation"), 1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Strengthened Relationships"), 1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Used ≤ 3 Times"), -1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Decreased Revenue"), -1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "Lack of Features"), -1, 0) + if(contains(prop("1st Month"), "No Interest"), -2, 0)

Formula For Keep?